Nyári és téli egyetemek /Summer and Winter sessions


General information: the possibilities here published are not organised by our department, we receive them from our partners. On principle there is no scholarship for these programs, only if it is indicated.

Általános információ: az alább közölt lehetőségeket a partnereinktől kapjuk, nem az NKI szervezi őket. Alapesetben ezekre nem elérhető semmilyen anyagi támogatás, csak abban az eserben, ha ez konkrétan fel van tüntetve.



Európán belüli lehetőségek / Programs offered within EU


14th International Summer Academy on Peacebuilding, Conflict Solution, Mediation, Justice, International Security, Leadership & Intercultural Dialogue organising by Institute for Peace and Dialogue, IPD.

Summer Academy will take place in Basel, Switzerland during the 5 - 21 August 2024 at the Hotel Alfa.

To register Summer Academy you need to fill the application form and send us by email to fhuseynli@ipdinstitute.ch or via WhatsApp, LinkedIn address till the Late Application Deadline: 1 July, 2024.

Application form



BASEL WINTER ACADEMY - 17-27, November, 2024

4th Winter Academy organising by Institute for Peace and Dialogue, IPD which will take place in Basel, Switzerland during the 17 - 27 November, 2024 at the Hotel Rheinfelderhof.

4th Winter Academy topics cover following subjects

- Mediation, Reconciliation & Negotiation

- Human Resources Management

- Strategic Leadership

- Cross-Cultural Communication Skills

- Conflicts Solution & Prevention

- Social Responsibility & Ethics

- Public Policy, Advocacy & Effective Campaigns

- Working with Media, Public Relations & Communication Skills


Discount Opportunities

- 10% discount for Alumni of IPD programs

- 10 % discount for Students (Valid with actual Student Card)

- 10% discounts for small NGO representatives (Valid with Organizational Reference Letter)

- 10% discount for paying together with group of participants (More than 2 person)

- 10% discount for Annual ProPeace Members (For registration please visit www.ipdinstitute.ch)


We are looking forward to receive your application and welcome you in Basel as one of the participants. 

For more information about the 4th Winter Academy call and other upcoming training courses is available online at  https://www.ipdinstitute.ch/Trainings-Events/11-Days-Winter-Academy-3-Month-Research-Program-2024/ 


Please visit our website to get more information on our upcoming Summer Academies in Baku, Antalya and Basel  https://www.ipdinstitute.ch/Trainings-Events/






Winter Program on Innovation and Sustainability in Agribusiness 

UNILASALLE school of engineering and ESSCA School of Management

The program is aimed at Bachelor‘s or Master’s degree students in related fields.

Key figures at a glance:


  • Program date:                         January 12 – 25, 2025
  • Program Cost:                        1700 €  (1822$ USD / 2776$ AUD)
  • Institutional nomination deadline:        June 14, 2024
  • Student application deadline:           June 28,2024
  • Contact:                          martine.rey@unilasalle.fr

For detailed information, please see the flyer as well as our interactive online brochure: Agribusiness programme



Európán kívüli partnerintézmények lehetőségei / Programs offered outside of EU



African Summer School in Climate Change and its Adaptation for Undergraduate Students

University of Nairobi (Africa) Summer School - 1-12 July, 2024

INFO: https://summerschool.uonbi.ac.ke/

Application deadline: 19th May, 2024








Az itt olvasható lehetőségekről további információt a BME NKI munkatársai adnak: internationalrelations@bme.hu