International mobility scholarships - Department of International Relations


International mobility activities either for a week,or a semester or even a summer/ winter programs - indulge in the options below! 

Click on the name of the program to reach further info! 


We usually organise Infodays on Mobility possibilities at the beginning of every semester.

The proposed date of the next infoday: 23 September, 2024. 




Scholarship possibilities for students


Program Location Duration Eligible Students  Period of applications
ATHENS intensive program EU 15 leading university 1 week After 1 year of  BSc, during MSc  January, September

ERASMUS+  student mobility


EU27+Turkey, Switzerland, Australia, Brasil, South-Korea, Japan HongKong, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam  3-12 months After 2nd year of BSc, during MSc, PhD  February, August
ERASMUS+ internship EU27, Turkey 2-12 months BSc, MSc, PhD international fee paying students February, August
CEEPUS mobility program Central Europe, Carpatian- Balkan region 1-5 months After 2nd year of BSc, during MSc, PhD  October, June
Suzuki Scholarship Japan 3-12 months MSc last year , during PhD September
Pan-European Seal traineeship program Germany, Spain 12 months After BSc, during MSc and PhD  February