Semester Abroad programme (fee paying)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is happy to welcome students from all over the world for its one semester long Semester Abroad programme. Students can choose courses from all faculties as BME offers a wide range of courses in English language. Students can collect ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit points for successfully accomplised courses ECTS.
For applications to be valid, students need to be nominated by their home institution and students have to submit their online registration. 
Nominations by sending institutions are accepted for a full academic year (fall and spring semester) but students’ online applications and online course registration can be submitted always only for the coming one semester.
BME is planning to launch the upcoming semester face-to-face but the final decision will depend on the future coronavirus situation.
According to Government Decree 291/2020 (17 June) on travel restrictions during the pandemic preparedness period introduced by Government Decree 283/2020 (17 June), the following persons are allowed to enter Hungary without restrictions:
- Hungarian nationals,
- EU nationals and nationals of EEA member states and Switzerland (excluding UK),
- third country family members of the above mentioned persons,
- furthermore, granted through reciprocity, nationals of Serbia – based on the Decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 9/2020 (17 June)
Persons not falling under the above categories are not allowed to enter Hungary.
Please note that this regulation may change in the future but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accept incoming students out of Europe nationals in September face to face. Please be informed that in any case, our university will provide online courses for those who were accepted by our university but cannot start their mobility in person.
For further information and policies please visit our website: by clicking on "New information on the coronavirus".
For application information please click here.
For course offers of the coming semester please click here.